Are You Using Duct Tape to Relieve Pain?
Few things cause more stress than seeing your car’s “Check Engine” light come on. When it does, we head immediately to the mechanic.
Yet when our human “Check Engine” light goes on—”pain,” “discomfort” and so on—we simply grab a couple of pain relievers, the pharmaceutical equivalent of duct tape. We get temporary symptomatic relief, but the real source of the pain is still there.
Don’t treat the symptom. Treat the source with Structural Integration.
Structural Integration (S.I.) is a proven method of relieving pain and discomfort by manually manipulating the fascia.
The what?
Fascia (FASH-e-uh) is a sturdy web of protective tissue that covers all the parts of our inner body. It helps the muscles, ligaments and tendons glide smoothly over the bones and cartilage. It “integrates” everything including the heart, brain and all our organs.
When there are physical or emotional stressors to the body, the fascia will literally get “bent out of shape.” Blood and oxygen flow are restricted, resulting in pain and discomfort. This is not good.
By kneading this tissue not only at the pain site, but at other connected areas that together have created that site, the fascia is stretched back to its normal, healthy, malleable state. Blood and oxygen once again flow freely. This is good.
Then something truly amazing happens…
Our human “Check Engine” light turns off. We feel healthier, stand taller, and look better.
So put away the duct tape. Feel how good it feels to feel good. Call me for your S.I. appointment today!
Added to the wonders of Structural Integration, I am adding energy work and scar tissue release to my services.
Scar work was developed by one of Ida Rolf’s students, Sharon Wheeler. It brings scar tissue into the matrix of the surrounding tissues, opening it up, making it a part of the rest of the body. It is surprisingly effective, relaxing and not painful.
Energy Work
Energy that I work with in this capacity is that above the body. It is easy to feel as it is released. I find congested and stagnate areas, too much or too little energy in areas and feel them flowing smoothly throughout the body. This first layer of the body, its energy, begins the process of opening this wonderful instrument of ours: the human body.
Rolf Presentation at Fairfield Library
Rolf Presentation with Holistic Chamber of Commerce
(917) 544-4412
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